Thursday, April 16, 2009

Renaissance Faire

I'm planning to go to the Renaissance Faire for the first time this year. It came about rather suddenly as I was at work going through a demo of our County's website for the redesign of our Department's webpages. I saw a listing announcing the Renaissance Faire starting in April and that reminded me that I had never been to one before.

I asked my boss about it because he used to go every year. I thought Lawrence might consider it too geeky, but he said he'd be interested. I was okay with not going in costume but at knitting night, Annette convinced me to make my own costume. She said she'd help me out too - how could I turn down that offer? :) I would get to go in costume (I guess I've always had a thing for that since cosplaying at my first anime conventions). I would get practice sewing garments. AND, I would have the help of someone experienced with sewing from patterns.

I picked out 2 Simplicity patterns from advice I found online - #5582 and #3618. I got real lucky and bought both for $.99 each from Jo-Ann's pre-Easter sale.

I met with Annette and she showed me how to get started. She also gave me a bunch of tracing paper so I could trace the patterns onto the paper and cut out the paper. When I got home, I was so excited I stayed up late making my practice vest (for fitting purposes). I got fabric for my costume and stayed up till 3am cutting out all the pattern pieces.

Current Status
Vest - Practice vest sewn. Need less pointy darts (make tip flatter along fold). Maybe need more in circumference. Armholes a little baggy. Annette will help me fit it.

Blouse - Pattern pieces cut and fabric ready. Will start on this as soon as the skirt is done.

Skirt - Sewed the panels together. Currently attaching the waistband. After that, need to hem the bottom. Still need to buy twill tape to run through the waistband, and maybe an eye/hook closure.

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