Sunday, April 19, 2009

Costume Update

Skirt - Done except I need to sew on the eye & hook. I sewed on the eye...but then I realized I did it upside down. Who knew that bend in the wire is actually there for a reason? I bought the smallest size JoAnn's has because I didn't want it to be visible, but after trying to manipulate it I'm starting to think that wasn't a good idea. It's a real pain because it's fiddly in my clumsy fingers and it's hard on the eyes.

Blouse - I've got the pieces cut out and ready to go. I studied the drawings and the instructions and I *think* I understand. Problem: I bought the wrong color of bias tape. I thought the bias tape was for the vest so I bought it in brown as accent that matches the skirt. Apparently the [white] blouse needs bias tape for the elastic band at the sleeve cuffs. ::sighhhhhh:: I'm going to have to go back to JoAnn's before I can even start sewing the blouse.

Vest - I didn't get to meet up with Annette today for further fitting because she had to go in to work. I did get to talk to her on the phone and she gave me some advice on what I could do on my own. She suggested I cut out the pattern pieces again with the broadcloth with an extra inch on each of the side seams so I have room to play around with the angles. Then, when sewing the side seams, I can experiment sewing straight halfway up, and then turning the fabric on the front piece so the seam angles in. That would reduce the extra space I had at the armhole. Then for the bust dart, I follow the line but a few inches from the tip, I dip in close to the edge of the seam and end it almost parallel.

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