Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I need to post pictures of my finished Renaissance Faire costume....but I'm too lazy to do that right now. :P

I'm almost done with my "White Nights Camisole" (in purple!). I'm up to the armhole part where I need to separate for the front and back. It goes from there up to the neck, and then there's a collar.

Stuff I need to work on:
- Finish off Vixen Tank - it was almost done but then I got caught up finishing the gifts for my uncle.
- Finish off Kai-Mei socks - I got hung up on the fact that I had the wrong number of stitches at the toe. I need to finish the toe and finish the 2nd sock.
- Knit/crochet a top for Scarlett. Maybe a baby item as well.

- Sew a pillowcase for the long body pillow we have.
- Sew a tote bag for Michelle.
- Sew a magazine/book holder to hang on the bathroom wall.
- Hem my dress pants.
- Experiment with sewing another top. I want to achieve spectacular bustiness.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Didn't get much done last night. I had to go to JoAnn's to pick up more double folded bias tape (picked out an olive color) with matching thread. I also went to Borders to get the latest Vogue Knitting magazine. It's got some really nice pieces in it this issue. I also picked up a few sewing magazines that looked like they had really good tips.

So last night I sewed the bust darts on the vest pieces with the interfacing. I sewed the shoulder seams and side seams too. On the lining I have one shoulder seam done with the other shoulder seam and both side seams still to be done. It was annoying because I screwed up sewing and had to pick out stitches....TWICE. Ugh. I hope the rest of it won't be too bad. I can't go to sleep too late tonight if I want to get up at 7:00am tomorrow for archery. If I can't finish tonight, I'll have time tomorrow afternoon as well. That should be enough, I think.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Only a few days left

...before going to the Renaissance Faire. I may go on Sunday instead of Saturday as Lawrence declared that archery plus Faire equals too much activity for one day.

Tuesday night, after knitting, I stayed up until almost 4am sewing. This is one seriously addicting activity. It didn't even feel like I got much done! I ironed the red fabric and traced the vest pattern pieces onto it. I cut it out, pinned the bust darts on the front and sewed in the darts. That was all.

After sewing them together, I took a look at the pattern and realized that I had done it wrong... You're supposed to baste the interfacing to the cloth *before* you sew up the darts. GAHHHH. Then I realized that I could just have those pieces be the lining.

Last night, I traced and cut another set of the vest pattern pieces. I had already cut the interfacing a week ago, thankfully. I pinned the interfacing onto the cloth and basted it all together. That ended up being rather time consuming as well. The only thing I had time for at the end was to pin the bust dart seams together and mark out the line I was to sew on.

Reading through the instructions, I also realized that I used the WRONG bias tape. I had used the double folded bias tape for the blouse's elastic casing, but then I realized I was supposed to use the single fold - no wonder I ran out! It's the vest that calls for the double folded bias tape to enclose the edges of the outside, interfacing, and lining fabrics. I'm going to have to head back to JoAnn's for more bias tape...joy! I doubt they have more of the dark brown I've been using since I took the last one in the store on Tuesday. On the bright side, that means I could pick a different color to use for the bias tape! I realized that dark brown edges on a dark red vest would probably not show up very well. Unfortunately, I don't know what would work better. Black maybe? Black matches everything...

If I can go to JoAnn's tonight, I *might* be able to finish the vest tonight. Besides the darts for the front of the vest, I will have to sew the shoulder seams and side seams together. Next comes the bias tape all around the armholes, neckline, front opening, and bottom edges. That will probably be the most time consuming part since there are so many curves everywhere. Once that is done, all I have to do is hammer in the grommets and create a cord to lace the front with.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Costume Update

Skirt - Done except I need to sew on the eye & hook. I sewed on the eye...but then I realized I did it upside down. Who knew that bend in the wire is actually there for a reason? I bought the smallest size JoAnn's has because I didn't want it to be visible, but after trying to manipulate it I'm starting to think that wasn't a good idea. It's a real pain because it's fiddly in my clumsy fingers and it's hard on the eyes.

Blouse - I've got the pieces cut out and ready to go. I studied the drawings and the instructions and I *think* I understand. Problem: I bought the wrong color of bias tape. I thought the bias tape was for the vest so I bought it in brown as accent that matches the skirt. Apparently the [white] blouse needs bias tape for the elastic band at the sleeve cuffs. ::sighhhhhh:: I'm going to have to go back to JoAnn's before I can even start sewing the blouse.

Vest - I didn't get to meet up with Annette today for further fitting because she had to go in to work. I did get to talk to her on the phone and she gave me some advice on what I could do on my own. She suggested I cut out the pattern pieces again with the broadcloth with an extra inch on each of the side seams so I have room to play around with the angles. Then, when sewing the side seams, I can experiment sewing straight halfway up, and then turning the fabric on the front piece so the seam angles in. That would reduce the extra space I had at the armhole. Then for the bust dart, I follow the line but a few inches from the tip, I dip in close to the edge of the seam and end it almost parallel.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Renaissance Faire

I'm planning to go to the Renaissance Faire for the first time this year. It came about rather suddenly as I was at work going through a demo of our County's website for the redesign of our Department's webpages. I saw a listing announcing the Renaissance Faire starting in April and that reminded me that I had never been to one before.

I asked my boss about it because he used to go every year. I thought Lawrence might consider it too geeky, but he said he'd be interested. I was okay with not going in costume but at knitting night, Annette convinced me to make my own costume. She said she'd help me out too - how could I turn down that offer? :) I would get to go in costume (I guess I've always had a thing for that since cosplaying at my first anime conventions). I would get practice sewing garments. AND, I would have the help of someone experienced with sewing from patterns.

I picked out 2 Simplicity patterns from advice I found online - #5582 and #3618. I got real lucky and bought both for $.99 each from Jo-Ann's pre-Easter sale.

I met with Annette and she showed me how to get started. She also gave me a bunch of tracing paper so I could trace the patterns onto the paper and cut out the paper. When I got home, I was so excited I stayed up late making my practice vest (for fitting purposes). I got fabric for my costume and stayed up till 3am cutting out all the pattern pieces.

Current Status
Vest - Practice vest sewn. Need less pointy darts (make tip flatter along fold). Maybe need more in circumference. Armholes a little baggy. Annette will help me fit it.

Blouse - Pattern pieces cut and fabric ready. Will start on this as soon as the skirt is done.

Skirt - Sewed the panels together. Currently attaching the waistband. After that, need to hem the bottom. Still need to buy twill tape to run through the waistband, and maybe an eye/hook closure.