Friday, March 7, 2008

Hemlock Ring Blanket progress

After going through 3 (4?) balls of Nashua Creative Focus Worsted, I was ready to bind off. Unfortunately I didn't have enough yarn left at the end of the last repeat...I only got to bind off 1/8 of the way around. The blanket was then put on hold as I needed to obtain another ball of the yarn. I finally had the chance to go to Unwind in Burbank and I bought the yarn (along with the Cherry Tree Hill Sockittome and the latest Interweave Knits).

I spit-spliced the yarn ends together (wow that stuff works). However, part of the way through the round, my count was off. The feather and fan pattern that is the outside of the doily pattern is basically a single round of YOs, K2togs, and SSKs followed by 4 rounds of straight knitting. I match the increases and decreases with the previous round of increases/decreases. That is, the point at which the left-leaning & right-leaning decreases meet should line up for every round of increases/decreases for the pattern to come out radially symmetrical. So, looking more closely, I noticed I made a mistake several rounds down in the last round of increases/decreases.

I haven't hashed out what needs to be done to fix the mistake, so I have yet again put the blanket on hold while I have easier, quicker, more portable projects to finish (socks). However, I may actually pick it up again this weekend. On the Zephy socks I made a mistake that I did not find until several rounds after the fact. It involved a YO, and I was able to drop the stitches and knit it back up (not even with a crochet hook) and I fixed it no problem. Given that the Zephyr socks contain many rounds of moving YOs and decreases, the blanket should be cake, right? :D

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